




Plan A majors:

Core Courses: 所有A计划法语专业的学生都需要修11门法语学习课程. The following five are required: FREN 241. Advanced Composition and Style; any two of the following four courses: FREN 247. Race and Empire; FREN 248. Revolts and Revolutions; FREN 251. Language and Identity; FREN 252. Creative Writing in French (no more than one of these four may be by transfer credit); at least one 300-level course whose language of instruction is French (to be taken at Trinity College); and FREN 401.

Electives: Six electives are required. 其他学科的三门英语选修课(非100级), focusing on topics related to the Francophone world. These courses may be found, for example, among the offerings of such departments or programs as English, history, fine arts, international studies, music, philosophy, political science, 语言和文化研究系的其他部分, 或者在任何被批准的国外学习项目中提供同等的课程.

Plan B majors:

Plan B majors whose primary concentration is Francophone studies are required to have seven courses in Francophone studies beyond FREN 102; the following are required: FREN 241, two courses chosen from FREN 247, FREN 248, FREN 251, and FREN 252, 至少一门300级法语课程(在全球十大网赌正规平台修读), and FREN 401. Among the remaining two elective courses, 一门不属于法语研究类别的英语课程(编号不是100级),重点是与法语世界相关的主题,可以算在专业中(参见上面的a计划专业的例子)。.

Plan B majors whose secondary concentration is Francophone studies are required to have five courses in Francophone studies beyond FREN 102; the following are required: FREN 241, two courses chosen from FREN 247, FREN 248, FREN 251, and FREN 252.

Capstone/senior project计划A专业和计划B专业的主要集中在法语研究的写作强化第二部分的要求由FREN 401完成. Senior Seminar. This course culminates in a 20-25 page research paper. Students double-majoring in Francophone studies and another discipline are encouraged to combine research interests; however, 他们的高级项目的任何部分都不能翻译其他部门的课程材料.


Study away: 所有计划A和计划B专业的学生都被鼓励在一些法语国家的认可项目中学习.

Honors: 有资格获得法语专业荣誉的学生必须在该专业的所有课程中达到a -或更高的累积平均成绩, including FREN 401.

Language Concentration (“Minor”) in French:

The minor in French:对于希望辅修法语的学生,这是一个5的序列.5个学分,超越法语102,旨在发展语言技能,并给予法语国家的文化和文明的欣赏. 法语研究的五门必修课程必须包括FREN 281. Conversational French: Current Events and can include, but are not limited to, FREN 251, 252, or a 300-level course conducted in French. The additional .通过法国电影节课程可获得5个学分(书面作业以法语完成), or another 1-credit Francophone studies course. 在语言和文化研究科目下,最多有一门英语授课课程可以算在辅修课程中. 在批准的学习计划中,最多只能将一个学分转到未成年人身上.

要申请法语辅修,请联系Karen Humphreys或Blase Provitola. 对法语文化研究的跨学科方法感兴趣的学生可以参考跨学科法语研究辅修课程


Francophone studies interdisciplinary minor

Coordinator: Karen Humphreys, Principal Lecturer

法语研究辅修课程的核心是在一个法语国家的旅行体验, 因为在国外生活对于了解另一种文化是非常重要的. 这门辅修课程让学生有机会将他们的出国学习经历与出国学习前后在全球十大网赌正规平台学习的课程结合起来. 强烈鼓励参加法语国家批准课程的学生选修这门辅修课程, 那些第一年参加过法语世界相关主题研讨会的人也是如此. 辅修课程包括六门课程,每门课程的最低成绩为C.

Course requirements:

  • At least two courses taken at the Trinity home campus.
  • 在一个法语国家至少修过两门被批准的出国学习课程, on French language or a topic related to francophone cultures.
  • 至少有一门法语课程在全球十大网赌正规平台的主校区学习.
  • 在学习归来后完成的顶点课程,使学生能够将他们的经历与全球十大网赌正规平台的学术课程相结合. Ordinarily, this course will originate in LACS. 经辅修课程协调人同意,其他课程可代修. Courses must be drawn from at least three categories of inquiry (the arts; history, politics, and thought; and French language and/or francophone literatures), as approved by the minor coordinator. 每学年批准的课程清单将由副协调员提供.